Excursion for refugees in Kyiv - WOMEN'S AID INTERNATIONAL

Excursion for refugees in Kyiv

The charitable foundation Women’s Aid International organized a tour for IDPs currently living in Kyiv. Many people were forced to move to Kyiv and are settling in the city. In order to facilitate the process of adaptation to the new city, we decided to conduct a tour for IDPs and thus introduce people to the history of Kyiv and the main sights. In order to provide quality and interesting information, we invited a professional guide, Vladyslav Gulevych.

екскурсія київ українці впо переселенці біженці

Getting to know the history of the city is one of the most important aspects after moving. This is especially relevant because Kyiv is the capital and has a rich thousand-year history. It is much more interesting to get to know the city accompanied by a guide, because this way you can not only see important places, but also learn a lot of interesting things about them. In addition, the study of the history of Ukraine is now quite relevant and popular.

Where did the excursion take place?

In the historical part of the city – from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv to Starokyivska Hill.

In general, the entire route was as follows:

– Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;

– Kyiv City Teacher’s House;

– National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine named after T.G. Shevchenko;

– Golden Gate;

– Saint Sophia Cathedral;

– Art. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery;

– Starokyivska Hil.

київ україна екскурсія впо біженці переселенці українці

How long did the excursion last?
About 3 hours including all stops and easy walking.

How many people were on the excursion?
A total of 14 people joined our tour.

Did you have to pay for something?
No. Our Foundation organized the excursion free of charge.


Ми зв’яжемося з вами протягом наступних 48 годин»