Winter blankets for refugees - WOMEN'S AID INTERNATIONAL

IDPs from Kyiv received warm winter blankets

The Women’s Aid International charity fund, together with the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) and the Care organization, gave warm winter blankets to forced migrants from Kyiv.

Many forced migrants came to Kyiv with almost no belongings – they took only the most necessary. Usually, displaced people do not have the time and opportunity to take out household items. Sometimes it is possible to take only a small bag with things and documents. Many fled the war during the warm season and did not take warm things with them, including blankets. We understand very well that among the refugees there are children, elderly people, and people with disabilities. In addition, due to shelling by the Russian army, the electricity supply was increasingly cut off, and with it, the heating sometimes disappeares. Therefore, a warm blanket is almost the most necessary thing now.

Our Foundation began to be asked to provide a blanket in the fall, when it just started to get cold. It became clear that it is necessary to implement a project to provide such assistance, because people really need it. In addition, we issued women’s thermal underwear, which came in handy for displaced women, because they spend a lot of time on the street in queues for receiving humanitarian aid.

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How many blankets were given out?

The Yana Matviychuk Foundation together with partners provided 2,720 blankets to forcibly displaced people.

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Who could get the blankets?

One family of internally displaced persons could receive two new winter double blankets, which:

– arrived in Kyiv from the south (Kherson, Odesa, Mykolaiv regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) or the east (Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Luhansk regions) of Ukraine in the period June – August 2022;

– registered in the Dniproskyi or Darnytskyi districts of Kyiv;

– has an income below UAH 5,000 per month;

– lives in rented accommodation;

– the family consists of at least 3 people, among whom there are one or more representatives of the following social groups: an unemployed woman with a minor child or minor children OR unemployed parents and support a minor child or minor children OR there is a pregnant woman with a pregnancy period of more than 22 years in the family weeks.

виплати впо яна матвійчук біженці допомога


We would like to thank the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) and the Care organization for their support.


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